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Watch the new The Dark Knight Rises Trailer 4 online now

The Dark Knight Rises Trailer 4 online now

Despite the proliferation of adverts and TV spots, Warner don’t appear to be giving too much away by way of spoilers. While we’ve seen the odd one-liner or action sequence, we still know very little about the nature of Bane’s plan, what happens to leave Bruce hobbling or how exactly Marion Cotillard’s character fits into proceedings.

The Dark Knight Rises has released yet another TV spot (that’s number nine now, for those keeping score) featuring a few more brief snippets of new footage cut into one heart-pounding montage.

This one is completely dialogue free, focussing instead on the key players looking tough and ready for business, before launching into a mash-up of some of the film’s most eye-catching action beats.

In amongst the new stuff, we spotted a glimpse of Nestor Carbonell’s Mayor, Catwoman riding the Batpod and more of Bane and Batman knocking seven bells out of each other. And yet again, Bane looks to be getting the best of it.

Take a look at the new spot, below...

WATCH ONLINE “The Dark Knight Rises” in HD quality!

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